A Town or City Hall provides administrative services for the local Mecosta County community, including business services such as registering local businesses or processing applications for business licenses. Towns and City Halls in Mecosta County, Michigan may also be responsible for issuing trade names to local businesses. They may provide online access to a business name search so that people can identify Mecosta County business names for sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability companies. This search can also be used to identify the owner of a Mecosta County business as well as any trademarked business names. Town and City Halls may provide an online searchable database of local business names and information.
Big Rapids City Hall Big Rapids MI 226 North Michigan Avenue 49307 231-592-4025
A Secretary of State operates at the Michigan State level to carry out elections, supervise state administration, and act as the Michigan chief corporations officer. As part of this responsibility, many Secretaries of State in Mecosta County register and license private corporations, small businesses, and other businesses, including registering trade names. Secretaries of State are often responsible for managing businesses that operate within Michigan, including collecting business taxes. A Mecosta County business name search through the Secretary of State Office can identify business names for sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability companies. This search can also identify the owner of a Mecosta County business as well as any trademarked business names. Many Secretaries of State provide online access to their business name search databases.
Big Rapids Michigan Secretary of State Big Rapids MI 206 North Michigan Avenue 49307 888-767-6424