A Town or City Hall provides administrative services for the local Kosciusko County community, including business services such as registering local businesses or processing applications for business licenses. Towns and City Halls in Kosciusko County, Indiana may also be responsible for issuing trade names to local businesses. They may provide online access to a business name search so that people can identify Kosciusko County business names for sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability companies. This search can also be used to identify the owner of a Kosciusko County business as well as any trademarked business names. Town and City Halls may provide an online searchable database of local business names and information.
Etna Green Town Hall Etna Green IN 106 S Walnut 46524 574-858-9321
Milford City Hall Milford IN 121 South Main Street 46542 574-658-4519
North Webster Town Hall North Webster IN 144 South Main Street 46555 574-834-7894