Keokuk County Business Name Search (Iowa)

A Town or City Hall provides administrative services for the local Keokuk County community, including business services such as registering local businesses or processing applications for business licenses. Towns and City Halls in Keokuk County, Iowa may also be responsible for issuing trade names to local businesses. They may provide online access to a business name search so that people can identify Keokuk County business names for sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability companies. This search can also be used to identify the owner of a Keokuk County business as well as any trademarked business names. Town and City Halls may provide an online searchable database of local business names and information.

Delta City Hall Delta IA 104 North 2nd Street West 52550 641-624-2061

Hedrick City Hall Hedrick IA 109 North Main Street 52563 641-653-4914

Keota City Hall Keota IA 309 East Broadway Avenue 52248 641-636-2266

Keswick City Hall Keswick IA 124 South Irons Street 50136 319-738-2621

Richland City Hall Richland IA 109 Richland Street 52585 319-456-2511

South English City Hall South English IA 407 Ives Street 52335 319-667-2715