A Town or City Hall provides administrative services for the local Clayton County community, including business services such as registering local businesses or processing applications for business licenses. Towns and City Halls in Clayton County, Iowa may also be responsible for issuing trade names to local businesses. They may provide online access to a business name search so that people can identify Clayton County business names for sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability companies. This search can also be used to identify the owner of a Clayton County business as well as any trademarked business names. Town and City Halls may provide an online searchable database of local business names and information.
Elkader City Hall Elkader IA 207 South Main Street 52043 563-245-2098
Garber City Hall Garber IA 604 Garber Road 52048 563-255-1002
Garnavillo City Hall Garnavillo IA 106 E Chestnut St 52049 563-964-2331
Luana City Hall Luana IA 304 Main Street 52156 563-539-2296
Marquette City Hall Marquette IA 88 North St 52158 563-873-3735
McGregor City Hall McGregor IA 416 Main Street 52157 563-873-3795
Strawberry Point City Hall Strawberry Point IA 111 Commercial Street 52076 563-933-4482
Volga City Hall Volga IA 505 Washington St 52077 563-767-3511